Christian Book Reviews hosteb by Bring It On! communications

April 9, 2013—Hello bloggers, reviewers, and book lovers!

We know-this site is looking a little rusty. We had to set aside our book reviews for several months in 2012, but we are back and hoping that you will join us!

In the weeks to come, many new reviews will be rolling in and when they do, we will be posting them to our new site which is nearly ready to launch. You can visit us at

So....out with the with the new! Thank you for being a fan of books! We love what you have to say!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"...relevant scriptures, prayers, age-old quotes, and discussion questions for family interaction."

Lord, Bless My Child  -   Bill and Nancie Carmichael

Review By Cara

My children are some of the greatest blessings in my life, and I know that it is a great responsibility to take care of them, love them, and teach them to the best of my ability. That is why when I saw the book, "Lord, Bless My Child - A Keepsake Prayer Journal to Pray for the Character of God in My Child" by William & Nancie Carmicheal, I jumped at the chance to review it!

This book is even better than I had hoped it would be! It is a wonderful guide for parents in praying for the character of God to be developed in the lives of their children. This book offers 52 prayer concepts that fall in line with God’s plan for each child. I have been doing one concept a week, and it has been such a blessing in our lives already! Each week (each concept), you look at relevant scriptures, prayers, age-old quotes, and discussion questions for family interaction. For instance, the first concept was compassion. Not only did I have the chance to teach my son this invaluable concept, I myself grew in my understanding of compassion and tried to practice being more compassionate in my own daily life. After all, the best way to teach your child is through your own modeling.

Another part of this book that I appreciate is that in each chapter, there is also a place to journal your prayers—and later, how God has answered them. Then, if you choose to, you can give this journal to your child as a gift so they can read the prayer journal entries, and see how God answered your prayers for them over the years. I think this is such a wonderful idea, and I have enjoyed it immensely! Someday, this will be an invaluable gift to share with my kids!

The next concept we are going through is contentment, and I know our whole family can benefit from this lesson and all the concepts in this fabulous book! Thank you, Carmichaels for such a thoughtful and useful book.
You can find this book at tons of online retailers, and I highly recommend you start reading it as part of your daily schedule.

Friday, September 7, 2012

"Engage in electrifying battles in this Bible fantasy"


“Crowns Of Courage” By Karen Kleinberg

Book Review by

 "Engage in electrifying battles in this Bible fantasy"
Quick Overview:

Seth’s heart pounds and stiffens with fear. The hum and clatter of threatening weapons fill his ears. Snatched from his family, he finds himself suddenly whisked into the future where he is surrounded by magnificent angels preparing for battle. Michael, his guide and companion, stands alert waiting to clash with the demons of darkness who have been sent to confound the minds of man.
A two-part story, Crowns of Courage involves King Ahab and Elijah as each challenges their god for rain. In it, Elijah exhibits the true courage that comes only from God. The story continues with King Ahab, the ruler of Israel, and King Jehoshaphat, the ruler of Judah. This unlikely partnership leads to war against a common enemy where both kings experience consequences for their compromise-at a cost neither anticipated. Seth, the young traveler, learns that courage comes from knowing God and trusting his power for your circumstances. The results are up to him.  Engage in electrifying battles in this Bible fantasy where Seth must confront his own fears, while observing the dangerous choices made by others. He’s an unlikely hero, witnessing astonishing events, which proves that the imagined power of man cannot even compare to the actual power of God! Victories can be won in the spirit, but are made real by the choices of a man’s heart.
My Thoughts:
Crowns of Courage was a fun book to read. It was like being behind the scenes of a movie, seeing what everyone else sees during filming. Watching Seth grow in courage and faith, as he watched the angels fight for victory over Satan and his croonies and saw firsthand what happens when one chooses to not follow God’s directives, and what happens when they have the faith to follow God.
I was inspired, encouraged and challenged through this book to have more faith, to do what needs to be done no matter how frightening, or odd it may seem. I loved Crowns Of Courage so much I am adding it to this years home school book list. I think it will quickly become a favorite on my children’s bookshelf. It is a fun, yet inspiring book that kids and adults alike will love. I have already told family and friends that this is a must read book and added a few copies to my Christmas shopping list to giveaway.
You can buy “Crowns Of Courage” from Deep River Books for $13.99.
Deep River Books: Whether you are looking for inspiration, Christian living, tips on parenting or a good fiction book-it is all right here.
I received this book free from Deep River Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are mine and mine alone and are in no way influenced by receipt of this book.

"Our faithful prayers help unlock God's character within our children."

Lord, Bless My Child: A Keepsake Prayer Journal  by William & Nancie Carmichael
Review by Jan M.
"Our faithful prayers help unlock God's character within our children."

Ask a parent about her greatest blessing, and she'll likely tell you about her children. It's such a privilege to raise children. Sure, parenting is hard work and it has its ups and downs, but the joy, the tremendous joy, children bring is immeasurable. We want the best future for our children. We set aside money for them, make plans for their education, and try to help them make wise decisions.

But God has an even bigger life plan for our children than we do. He wants to develop their gifts and talents and see them develop the traits of Jesus Christ Himself. After all, God has their eternity in mind. As parents, there's one more thing we should be doing for our children, praying. Our faithful prayers help unlock God's character within our children. The Bible says that the fervent prayers of a righteous person accomplish much.

Lord, Bless My Child shows us with HOW to pray for our children. As a parent, I know it's easy to get stuck in a rut of a quick bedtime prayer of, "Lord, please keep Billy safe." But, if our children are our greatest blessings, shouldn't we be more diligent? After all, the Bible tells us to "pray without ceasing." (1 Thess. 5:17).

The book consists of 52 chapters, one for every week in the year. Each chapter focuses on one specific character trait as the basis for that week's prayers. Of course, these aren't the only 52 traits you want to see in your children, but the book is a model which you can learn to use and adapt.

I like that each character trait is supported by passages of Scripture, quotes, and conversation starters. There is also room for you to write your own thoughts and record answers.

These are a few of the traits included:
* Compassion
* Honesty
* Responsibility
* Trust
* Laughter
* Wisdom

This book would make a beautiful gift for parents and grandparents alike.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for the purpose of review. All opinions are my own.
To read more reviews like this one, go to Tell Us The Truth Reviews.