Christian Book Reviews hosteb by Bring It On! communications

April 9, 2013—Hello bloggers, reviewers, and book lovers!

We know-this site is looking a little rusty. We had to set aside our book reviews for several months in 2012, but we are back and hoping that you will join us!

In the weeks to come, many new reviews will be rolling in and when they do, we will be posting them to our new site which is nearly ready to launch. You can visit us at

So....out with the with the new! Thank you for being a fan of books! We love what you have to say!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Beating the Marriage Odds - Book Review!

Review by Jenilee

I always love reading marriage books! Marriage is such an important area of our lives and we can always grow as we walk through life with our spouse!

This book, "Beating the Marriage Odds", catches your attention just by reading the back cover.

It uses the example of a lemon car. If you were buying a car and the dealer told you that it had a 50% chance of being a lemon, would you buy it anyway?

Well, those are the statistics that newly married couples are walking into when they say "I do."

"The statistics are staggering. One out of every two marriages today will fail. What is the cause of such staggering statistics? What, if anything, can be done to keep couples together? This book offers concrete principles for building and sustaining a sound marriage. It outlines the most common causes of marriage failure and offers sound principles to avoid or correct such problems. Those who are considering marriage as well as those who have been married for years will benefit from real life examples and principles that they can apply to their own marriages."

I loved how the author walks you through the meaning of the traditional marriage vow and then directly shows how that is a vow made before your spouse and before God.

"For this promise to have effect, the couple must revere God." pg. 12

As we grow closer to God, we will grow closer to our spouse. What an amazing truth!

Each chapter has a great topic, real-life examples and scripture to help guide you and your spouse. 

This is a great book for all married couples. 

To read more reviews like this one, go to our review blog Tell Us The Truth Reviews!


Review by Jenilee

This children's book is called "The Rose Princess and the Special Gift" by Mike de Vetter.

Elayna read this book and loved it! She enjoyed the pictures...

And she said that her favorite part was when the Princess gave with Kindness.

The Princess had been given some gifts by her father and she chose to share those gifts with others who needed help.

When I asked Elayna what she learned from this book, she said, "I learned to be kind and to give to others."

I'm sure that this is a book my girls will read again and again!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Watercolor Summer author on Alabama Live

Check out this website I found at

Watercolor Summer author and 3 Time Dove Award Winner Nan Corbitt Allen shares her new book on Alabama Live, WSFA Channel 12 in Montgomery Alabama. She will be back in Montgomery for a book signing on Saturday May 21st from 2-4pm, at Lifeway book store. Stop in and meet her!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another Midnight Rising - Book Review!

review done by Kristina

Midnight Rising
by William Anderson Simpson

122 pages
September 2010
Deep River Books

Read: April 2011

"Avoiding the usual end time "signs"--earthquakes in various places, wars and rumors of wars, Midnight Rising focuses on less bandied indicators. Wm. Anderson Simpson points to specific geo-political alliances that are to be in place during the tribulation, the worldwide acclaim for the Antichrist, the traveling to and fro of many, and--what struck the chord in the hearts of the Evangelicals--the financial crisis of 2009 and the meteoric rise to world acclaim of our current president. Unveiling signs not commonly discussed in relation to this topic, Simpson makes a strong argument for the correctness in the Evangelical's call to action.

There is an urgent call for teaching and preaching concerning things about to burst forth onto the world stage.
If you truly believe the rapture is near-shouldn't you be gleaning some understanding of the times and seasons?"
~Deep River Books Overview

First thing you should know is I am fascinated, truly fascinated, by all things end-of-the-world. But, I never know who to really believe or which theory is right, and they all sound like they are grasping at straws. Most predictions begin with the same thing, The Rapture. William Anderson Simpson wants us to understand that it's not the "signs" that we need to be aware of, it's the set up before the signs that we never realize until it's too late. We need to be aware of certain things that will be or should be lining up just before the noticeable events. So, are we actually in the end times? What is it we need to look for? How are we involved? These questions have answers. Simpson shows us how close we actually are and what we should be looking for. If you are looking for a book that will name the AntiChrist or point to the exact date of the Rapture, you've come to the wrong book. But if you're looking for answers and signs of what will be coming, this is definitely the book for you.

After reading this, I'm pretty sure that, as a Christian, this book is a necessity to understanding what is coming and that we need to reach out to as many people as we possibly can, as fast as we can. I have to admit, I think about the end of days all the time. I never thought it would happen in my lifetime, but now I'm not so sure.

Thank you to Bring It On Communications for the opportunity to read and review this fantastic book. To read more reviews like this, head on over to Tell Us the Truth Reviews

For more updates and knowledge, head over to the author's blog,Twitter, or Facebook page.


Glimpsing God - Book Review!

Glimpsing God CoverAfter having so many friends dealing with hardships, reading about acquaintances or friends of friends tragedies on Facebook, for me, it’s been very integral in making me thankful for everything that I’ve been blessed with. Yes, there are moments we all want to complain, we want sympathy when we’ve had a long day with the kids or the car breaks down, or things just don’t go our way, and that’s okay, but in the end we are blessed and the book, “Glimpsing God; Snapshots from one family’s enduring faith through unbelievabletrials.”  Rachel Alkire’s amazing true story reminder of why we should be thankful for what we have and her family’s personal journey with faith and tragedy.

As Chapter 1 begins there’s no real shadow of what’s to come in the following chapters however Rachel’s faith is presented. I love how she speaks about God being more than rituals and ceremonies and how we’re always looking for the God that fits our “rules”. If anything, throughout this book she shows how the God we are looking for is there for us but in His way, not always the way we are hoping for.

This normal, homeschooling, hardworking, Michigan family survived many trials in less than 2 years, yet kept coming back to God for guidance, help, and support. I am in shock at everything that occurred in such a short time, and won’t give anything away, but I can’t imagine anyone walking away from this book not thanking God for all of the great things in their life.

I really enjoy that, “Glimpsing God” highlights Rachel’s inner voice and even the words that God spoke to her through her questioning Him.

“How are we going to make it through this,” “How could I believe after this happened to my son?”

This style helps the reader to connect on a different level and realize that although Rachel always found her way back to trusting in God, she, like any parent, struggled in tough times.

Grab your tissue box and curl up in a cozy spot while you spend a few hours in Rachel’s shoes and hopefully you’ll have the same attitude as she did in the book;

“Were we rich? Yes, just not in money…”

To purchase your copy of, “Glimpsing God” go to:

Please share: What inspirational books have you read lately?

To read more reviews like this go to: Tell Us the Truth Reviews.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Godly Personalities by Roger Deemer

review done by Cara

If you struggle with connecting or understanding your own personality or someone else who is a part of your life, you will love the book I am introducing you to today. 

Godly Personalities by Roger Deemer shows you how to use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to explore your diverse personality type and apply it to your spiritual strengths and vulnerabilities. Godly Personalitiesprovides hope in facing common temptations, avoiding deception, patiently persevering through life's challenges, and living in peace with all people.

I really appreciate this book! Once I started reading it, I became so addicted to learning about my personality and how it affects my life.  I also went through it with my husband, since he and I are complete opposite personalities. We have always struggled to understand each other and why we communicate the way we do.  This book brought us a lot of clarity in understanding each other. I am so thankful for the great tips on how to communicate better with those whose personalities may seem to clash with your own. We realized how well we actually work together to balance each other and bring unique things to our marriage and family. I am sure a lot of you find yourself frustrated with your spouse or another loved one quite frequently, and this book will really help you work through things more peacefully. 

  People have been using MBTI in professional settings for years to improve individual and team performance and leadership skills—and I understand why. It is so interesting and so helpful! 

  The only downside to this book is that the abbreviations for the different personality types can be confusing at times. After reading for awhile, you get used to it, but at the beginning, I found myself constantly referring back to see what he was talking about. 

  I HIGHLY recommend this book to everyone, because I think we all need help with understanding ourselves and the differences between us and others. Understanding these differences will help you in communicating better in all areas of your life! 

  You can order it for $14.99. 

  *Bring It On! Communications provided me product to review, and I was under no obligation to review if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free product.*

To read more reviews like this, go to: Tell Us The Truth Reviews.

The Journey to Truth by George F. Garlick, Ph.D

review done by Marie

Though each of us has a unique subjective perspective, the truth regarding questions of reality outside our control is not dependent upon what we believe. It's our goal to find and then form beliefs in and around the truth. - George F. Garlick Ph.D

I've recently become aware of and very interested in the subject of apologetics. If you're not familiar, this term does not refer to a group of people who feel remorseful, but to those who use science and philosophy to explain and defend a position. Specifically, this term currently applies to scientists, Christian and otherwise, who have stumbled upon proofs they wish to share with a world that on one hand demands it, and on the other hand completely rejects it without even looking at it.

And there is a lot of this proof. I am one of many who was raised in a Christian home by Christian parents who were afraid to even define the word "evolution" for me. As a result, when I went to college, I was completely bulldozed by professors who were more than happy to define it and use it to dismantle my faith. If my parents had given me vital information, I could have stood strong against this onslaught, but they didn't have it themselves and felt threatened by it. Now there are many, many books out there on the subject, notably those by Lee Strobel. I just finished reading The Case for a Creator by Strobel and it was incredible.

I thought The Journey to Truth would be basically an abbreviated version of The Case for a Creator, but while in the same vein, it offers a slightly different inoculation. The author, George F. Garlick (Ph.D), was a pioneer in the field of Holographic Ultrasound Technology, used in imaging. An intimate knowledge of the science involved and the study of physics gave him a unique perspective on the relationship between science and God. He chose to share these insights not out of a desire for fame, as he is well known as both a scientist and a philanthropist, nor for fortune, as all profits from the book are being donated to charities, but out of a genuine desire to enrich the lives of others.

I am so glad I was given the opportunity to read this book for review purposes, because it has absolutely given my rational brain a greater understanding of God in a way I never thought possible. We live in an empirical world, a world that demands evidence, and often even that isn't enough. Many Christians believe that those of us that crave such proofs are weak, that we ought to accept spiritual truths at face value. And they're probably right. On the other side there is the secular world, which has been given the mistaken impression that Christians are unintelligent because we're afraid of science.

Well Christians, there is no basis to this fear of science. If you seek, you will find, as I have, that science will actually bolster your faith to a degree you never thought possible. In fact, I think every Christian ought to read these books, I don't think it's possible to evangelize in this day and age without this vital information.

There are only two drawbacks to this book. The first is that the science is completely mind-bending, and while he tries, Garlick does not always do a very good job of making sense of it for the lay person. For example, when trying to explain the pre-creation state, he uses the example of an ice cube. When you heat it, it turns to water. Okay, I'm with you. Then gas. Still with you. Then an atom gas, then an ionized gas. Okay, got it. Then he says "Forces Unite With Strong" and then "All Forces Unite," without explaining what the heck that means. Lost me. The other drawback is that Garlick's abbreviated life story is mixed into the narrative. It's an interesting story, but it often seems totally random and distracts from the rest. If you aren't a science minded individual this will be difficult reading, but worth it. Even if you don't understand 100% of it, you will get the big picture, and that big picture is revolutionary and inspirational. If you're a book snob, the randomness will bother you at times, but you'll get past it.

Even with these drawbacks, I give this book five stars because of the enormous impact it has had on me, which overshadows everything else.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Heavenly Host: Book 1 of The Testings of Devotion - Review!

review done by Matt

Dellasega, C. (2009) The Heavenly Host, Book I: The Testings of Devotion (Sisters, Oregon: VMI Publishers). ISBN: 978-1-933204-70-3. RRP: $14.99/£9.72.

Have you noticed that I haven’t reviewed a book on here since December 2008? No? Well, I have. Time to put that right, with a look at a novel about spiritual warfare. The Testings of Devotion trilogy, of which this is the first part, apparently aims to take an angel’s-eye view of the history of the universe. The universe as imagined in this novel looks like this: 

Heaven is divided into three levels: the 3rd level is where ‘The Almighty Divine’ resides (that’s God to you and me), the 2nd level is inhabited by the archangels, plus a special council of dead humans, and the 3rd level is occupied by the angels the other dead people. After the initial event of rebellion by Lucifer and his followers (more on which below), each of these angles is assigned a particular role such as prayer, praise or welcoming newcomers into the ‘community of resting mortals’. The angels watch what’s happening on earth on big screens, controlled by dials and buttons. If all this gives you the impression that the angels all have bodies a bit like our own, then you got the same impression that I did, although they don’t eat, drink or sleep, but ‘refresh’ in armchairs. 

Our heroine is Sophia, a prayer angel who is quickly and somewhat surprisingly promoted to ‘Senior Servant’, i.e. the one in charge of all the angels and overall operations on the first level. In that position she is supported (albeit often grudgingly) by two ‘Selected Servants’: Miriam and Faras, her deputies. The relationship between these three is one of the most important sub-plots of the novel. Sophia is often visited, encouraged and instructed by Gabriel, the archangel, the messenger. Gabriel passes on all God’s instructions, since ‘The Almighty Divine’ apparently doesn’t do that kind of thing himself – to the point where Miriam at one point expresses her devotion by saying ‘I’ll do whatever the Almighty Divine tells Gabriel to ask of me’ (p 126). If all that sounds a bit Muslim to you, then you got the same impression that I did. 

The battle between Lucifer and Michael the archangel is described as occurring after the former has already tempted Adam and Eve to sin. So, in that case, what prompted Lucifer to tempt Adam and Eve? Apparently he thought it was the best thing to do to protect ‘The Almighty Divine’ against the evil that humans would later do. If that confuses you, then your reaction is the same as mine. 

Perhaps this will make things clearer: the best place to start when analysing this book is on the back cover, where we read the following:

What The Shack did for the Trinity, The Testings of Devotion does for the heavenly realms, shedding light on the spiritual battle waging continually around us.

To summarise my review right now: that comparison is valid – perhaps, I suspect, more valid than the author would like. Like The Shack, The Testings of Devotion is a well-written page-turner of a story. But also like The Shack, it is theologically dubious – to the point where I can’t honestly describe this novel as a Christian book with integrity. The real point of conflict between the devil and his cohort on the one hand, and the angels who instead choose to serve ‘The Almighty Divine’ on the other (apart from, y’know, the whole thinking they know better than God thing), is that only the former believe humans to be intrinsically evil. The latter believe the reverse:

  1. ‘You think that they [humans] come up with evil ideas on their own? I assure you they do not.’ (Gabriel to Sophia, p 52).
  2. ‘I’ve always been a champion of the inherent goodness in mortals’ (Sophia, p 169).
  3. ‘Like you [Sophia], I believe mortals are basically good’ (Hector (another angel, sort of the Sergeant Major of the first level), p 215).
  4. I won’t spoil the ending, except to say that the argument in the face-off in the final scene is mainly about this very point.

To which I say:

  1. I assure you that they (we) doRomans 1:30Mark 7:20-23.
  2. I have not: Romans 7:18.
  3. In what sense are we ‘basically’ good, though we are evil? (Matthew 7:11).
  4. By the standards of this book, it seems that, on this point, I am on the side of the evil one.

And yes, that makes me uncomfortable. In this book, human sins are attributed to anything other than human sinfulness – most often to some combination of demonic activity and our short attention span. A prime example of this is the continuing suggestion that the ‘bad’ people you know might be the issue of a demon/human liaison (see Genesis 6):

The Nephilim exist, and they’re the cause of the worst and most unexplainable suffering on earth – as you just saw. Any time there’s a senseless tragedy and mortals wonder how one of their own can be so completely evil, it’s likely the Nephilim are involved. (p 90)

Maybe some of my readers can see a pattern emerging from the problems I’ve already described: firstly that God is portrayed as distant, and secondly that no account is taken of human sinfulness. However, big as these problems are in a book from a Christian publishing house with an orthodox statement of faith, they are small next to the near-total disregard shown to the truth about Jesus Christ, a disregard which is at the centre of the plot. 

The ‘testings of devotion’ of the title is a tactic used by the heavenly forces in their battle with the forces of hell for human souls, whereby potential spiritual warriors are put through setbacks and suffering in order to force them to depend on God. So far so good. The thing is, in order to make this plan work the angels apparently have to recruit a woman named Ruth from out of the ‘community of resting mortals’ in order to help them understand human psychology from the point of view of someone who remained faithful despite enduring terrible suffering. Sophia justifies this move to Miriam as follows:

“So, if we’re in such high favor,” Miriam protested, “why do we need her? It’s not that I mind extra help, but we’ve never had a mortal on the first level before.” 
“You are in high favor,” Sophia reassured her. “But you have no idea what it’s like to be a mortal.” (p 124)

The thing is, our Lord has every idea what it’s like to be a mortal (Philippians 2:5-8;Hebrews 2:18; 4:14-15), and so the idea that angels would have to recruit some other human to explain to them how it all works is most charitably interpreted as bizarre. A single mention of ‘the Saviour Son’ is not going to rescue the situation, particularly since the novel also implicitly denies the exclusivity of salvation in Christ: at one point Gabriel illustrates how bad things have gotten on Earth by explaining that

“There are many who have strayed from their faith […] Look at how few places of worship remain, even at the holiest of sites.” 
He touched a button and she [Sophia] saw the ruins of churches in Rome, collapsed temples in India, and abandoned mosques and synagogues in the Americas.

The implication that Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Jews are all worshipping the same ‘Almighty Divine’ is most charitably interpreted as disastrously mistaken. So, I’m afraid, those theological problems rather spoiled the book for me. It does no-one any favours to imagine God as distant and to deny human sinfulness, the incarnation and the exclusivity of salvation in Christ.

To read more reviews like this one, go to our review blog! Tell Us The Truth Reviews

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Watercolor Summer is on Kindle!!

Lonely Girl, Gracious God - Book Review!

review by Annette

I knew little about autism before reading this book. It was a disorder that I'd not heard of before seeing the movie Rain Man in 1988. Even after seeing this movie it was still a bit of a mystery as I'd not had any contact with children or adults that had autism. This is just one of the reasons that I love reading, because I am exposed to life stories of people. In Lonely Girl, Gracious God I learned not only about autism, but the journey of one family that has lived daily with this disorder. 

Published by Deep River Books March 2011/266 pages/Non-Fiction/Autism
Link for the book @ publisher:
Paperback price $13.99

Link for the book @ Amazon:
Paperback price $11.89 and Kindle price $8.99

April is National Autism Awareness Month, follow the link for more information:

More links for education on Autism:
The above link has an informative video.

Thank you to Bring It On Communications! and Deep River Books for my free review book. 

Lauri and her husband Cody are expecting baby number 4 and they are less than excited. Lauri who had waited a while before telling her husband of the impending baby, spends most of her pregnancy with the overwhelming feeling that something is not right. After a difficult labor baby Fee as she is called by her family, or Farema her given name, makes her entrance. From the beginning of Farema's life, Lauri works tirelessly to hide behavior and to shelter her baby girl. Lauri sternly rejects any innuendos or talk from well-meaning people that her youngest daughter has a disorder. Lauri even hides information from her husband.

In Lonely Girl, Gracious God I saw a tedious and even awkwardness in Lauri's denial and evolving knowledge and reaction to Farema. She wants to know what is wrong with Farema, yet she doesn't want to know.

Some of Lauri's rejection of the truth is grounded in her own insecurities and fears, feelings of guilt and remorse from past decisions. She also had a rigid and strict upbringing which began a pattern of feelings of never measuring up to what was expected of her, and also feeling as if she must be the one in charge of putting out fires so to speak before "it" is found out.  

The book gives a thorough and physically exhausting (even to me the reader) description of Lauri's plight with making sure Farema had the best in education, the best physicians, the best in childcare, and the best home life. I was exhausted by Lauri's endurance and perseverance in caring for Farema.We are told of her reading the research in what could be done to help Farema. 

Lauri shares the sleepless nights, temper tantrums, disappearances, and inability to communicate from Farema. 
Lauri's husband Cody is a Muslim. The difficulty in cultural and religious differences is explored lightly.

In chapter 4 Lauri backed up to her first marriage, divorce, single parenting, how she met Cody, and why she married him. I think that in all of the book this was the chapter that I disliked most. For most of the book the emphasis was on Farema's autism and Lauri and the family caring for her. Then I was detoured off of the story and taken down another road so to speak, albeit it a bumpy road. I felt it took away from the subject of autism and Lauri's story. A little information about Lauri's previous life would have been sufficient. 

Unless you have walked a mile in the shoes of a parent that has cared for a child with special needs, you cannot fully understand. I felt though that after reading Lonely Girl, Gracious God I have a greater understanding and knowledge, and a greater love and respect for parents that have a special needs child. 
I am glad that Lauri shared her story!

Blissful Reading!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We Have Books on Kindle!

Here are just a few available for purchase NOW!



The Key to the Kingdom - Book Review!

review done by Hayley

The Key To The Kingdom by Jeff Dixon

About The Book:
Grayson Hawkes learns how imaginative and elaborate Walt Disney World is when he accepts an invitation one sunny day from a trusted friend landing him in a world he never knew existed. Innocently driven by curiosity he finds himself immersed in a heroic adventure. Barely escaping a late night encounter, he finds himself desperately trying to solve a mysterious disappearance while trying to stay ahead of those who are chasing him. Hawkes quickly realizes that unraveling the clues is essential if he is to discover the truth. He navigates through the kingdom where knowledge of seemingly unimportant Disney facts and some divine help are the only way he can discover the lock that can be opened by an ancient key. His world becomes even more complicated when he is captivated by a mysterious woman, causing him to make a series of choices that takes his faith to the brink. Each step is fueled with heart pounding intensity carrying him deeper into a thrill ride of secrecy. Within the walls of Walt Disney World is more mystery than one imagination can contain. Here Disney Trivia is not a game; and the ancient key is the only way out! Jeff Dixon was raised in Florida and has always been fascinated with the man Walt Disney and the theme park he created. Dixon feels that any guest who would take the time to look would discover a story that will never be completed. It is against this canvas that Dixon paints this mystery, adventure, and thriller. The epic drama carries the reader across the state of Florida to discover details that most people have missed. Each discovery and revelation will have the reader wondering if they are reading fact or fiction. In a quickening pace, the characters find themselves on a collision course with an unthinkable outcome! Fans of Walt Disney will love the history and tourists will find a travel guide that takes them on a trip most guests never get to take.

My Thoughts:
I've never really been into mystery books, unless it is written just right. And this story is. From the get-go, you are immersed into the story and you become a part of it. You do not have to be a Disney fan to enjoy this book, though if you are, then it is a bonus. It is a fast easy read, and very enjoyable.

About The Author:
Jeff Dixon is a Senior Equipping Minister in Central Florida and a proud season pass holder to Disney World.

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from Bring It On Communications. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The Missionary - Book Review!

review done by Winning Readings

The MissionaryTitle: The Missionary
Authors: William Carmichael and David Lambert
Genre: Contemporary Christian suspense
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Physical Description: 382-page paperback 
List Price: $13.99 
ISBN: 978-0-8024-5569-7
For More Info:


David Eller is an American missionary in Venezuela, married to missionary nurse Christie. Together they rescue homeless children in Caracas. But for David, that isn’t enough. The supply of homeless children is endless because of massive poverty and the oppressive policies of the Venezuelan government, led by the Hugo Chavez– like Armando Guzman. 

In a moment of anger, David publicly rails against the government, unaware that someone dangerous might be listening—a revolutionary looking for recruits. David falls into an unimaginable nightmare of espionage, ending in a desperate, life-or-death gamble to flee the country with his wife and son, with all the resources of a corrupt dictatorship at their heels.

About the Authors:
William Carmichael is an accomplished bestselling author of marriage, family, and parenting books. He and his wife, Nancie, are popular speakers across the United States and Canada. He is also the founder of Good Family Magazines, which published Virtue, Christian Parenting Today, and Parents of Teenagers magazines. The Missionary is Bill’s first novel.
David Lambert is senior fiction editor for Howard Books, a division of Simon & Schuster. He is the author of nine books, including the Gold Medallion Award winning Jumper Fables (Zondervan), coauthored with Ken Davis, and four novels for young adult readers.
What I Liked:  

I was immediately attracted to this book because of the missionary component - the global worldview, the intense desire to help others, all of that. And it was definitely there.  I could even relate to David's frustration and need to act where the political regime is concerned, having been near Zimbabwe's political and financial meltdown.  

The authors did a great job of getting the reader inside David's head to understand how a nice, peace-loving Christian guy with a heart for humanity can end up in the wildest of suspense stories.  He's easy to relate to.

And yes, it is a wild suspense story - with lots of action and twists and turns and connections you never quite figure out until the end.  Definitely a page-turner.

Intertwined through the suspense was the story of family.  Mentor, brother, parents, child, wife - the relationships are solid, positive, not without challenges, but with a definite clarity on how important family is.  A refreshing picture compared to many popular suspense plots in stores now.

I also enjoyed the philosophical gems scattered throughout.  The book starts with "Life turns on small choices" - as you realize how something seemingly minor can have a huge impact on you, your family, and the world.  Choose wisely.  

Another one I am still pondering:  "Love sees the need, not the cause."  I like it, and I don't, and I'm still trying to figure out why.

If you're into family-friendly suspense, I definitely recommend this book.

What I Didn't Like: 


Thanks to Bring It On! Communications for the review copy of this book, and to Mamabuzz for coordinating the review.  (By the way, Mamabuzz is also giving away a copy of the book, winner drawn 4/25, if you want a chance to win...)

Midnight Rising - Book Review!

review done by Kat

There come periods in the history of the world, almost cyclically, when it is time to step back and make fresh assessments of the accuracy of our understanding of prophetic things. Had the Jews stepped back and considered the words of their own prophets, they might not have had their Messiah executed by the Gentiles. If the Jews had listened to their prophets in the 300 years before they went into captivity, Nebuchadnezzar might not have taken Jerusalem in 586 BC. If the Jews, possessed the prophets of Daniel, had calculated the time frame that he gave them, they would have known that Jesus was the Lord from heaven. They were caught up in their present lives and didn't notice the fulfillment of many prophecies all around them. They were so caught up in temporal matters that they did not have time to consider those times or seasons that had slipped up on them while they were unaware.

So where are we today in Bible prophecy? Are we about to make the very same mistake that the Jews did so long ago, thinking we are not really living as close to the end times the Bible predicts? How can we be so sure?

Using the scriptures of Ezekiel, Daniel, Revelation and Thessalonians, this book uncovers just how close we truly are to the Rapture of the Church, what place the United States will play in the end times (yes, we are in there and it isn't good), and just where we should be looking for the antichrist to arise.

While it won't lay claim to who the antichrist is with 100% accuracy, we can not deny that the signs that the Bible speaks of and where we are on the prophetic map, allow the reader to wonder if we aren't the generation that will not see physical death. Just what role does 2012 play into this? We the Mayans close to conveying something big is going to happen in 2012? Will an asteroid hit the planet Earth that will be so massive that it will knock the Earth off its axis?

All these questions are answered with Bible based certainty in the latest book by Wm. Anderson Simpson, called Midnight Rising - Warning Signs for this Generation. For anyone who claims to be a Christian, this is a must read so we don't fall in the same pattern as the Jewish people did long ago. Let us make sure our oil is filled and we are ready for the Bridegroom to come and claim His bride. This book rates a 5 out of 5 stars and I look forward to keep this as a resource along with my Bible in the days ahead. I plan on being ready. The author of this book is the primary author of the theological monthly, Christian Chronicles, which you can view online still today to keep up with current events that the Christian wants to be aware of.

I received this book compliments of Bring It On Communications for my honest review. I can honestly say, I knew we were close but not sure just how close. My biggest error in my own research had me looking for the antichrist to come from Europe or the Middle East. I was shocked to learn what the Bible had to say regarding this. Now my personal mission is seeking to tell as many as I can about God's salvation plan more so now than ever before. I used this book hand in hand with my own Bible to research all the scripture references. WOW was I off on a lot of things. I will be keeping this book close at hand as we fulfill more and more prophecies in the days ahead. As a Christian, this is a must have.

For even more information about this book, the author and where to purchase a copy of this book, please click on the links below:

  • Paperback: 122 pages
  • Publisher: Deep River Books (September 1, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9781935265306
  • ISBN-13: 978-1935265306
  • ASIN: 193526530X
  • Cost: $ 11.69
Those who are alive on the earth during the Tribulation will recognize it since this was written to that generation of those who will become saints during the Tribulation, those who are slain by the sword or who remain alive to witness the Second Coming of the Lord.

That generation will be greatly blessed on account of their faith in the near return of the Messiah. That generation of Jews and Gentiles alike will have high honor among the saints. The saints of the early Church suffered persecution from the beginning, and we continue to do so today.

Man worries about global warming but has no fear of those things the Bible say will happen. Willingly ignorant, man stumbles into the very things prophesied of him, and nobody notices. Today, the devil has practically the whole of the true Church looking toward some distant point in time, blinding them to this present world system. (pg. 72)

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Rose Princess and the Special Gift - Review

review done by Krista
On The Back

Not far from here lives the Rose Princess in a kingdom ruled by her father the king. One morning she awakes to find a splendid package at the end of her bed full of gifts and a card from her father encouraging her to use the gifts wisely. Unaware of what lies ahead, the princess sets out on a journey of learning and adventure where she meets several people who are in need. Suddenly she realizes that she has gifts that can help them, and she is faced with a choice: keep the gifts, or help the others by giving her gifts away.

My Thoughts
I wish that there were more books like this in the world. Books that taught children that it is better to give than to receive. Sadly in this day in age some children are selfish and don't realize how hard their parents have to work to give them what they've got. They don't take care of their stuff and don't seem to care about anything. I know this is not the case with all children but it just seems that more and more often you are seeing it!

The Rose Princess is a beautiful role model. What little girl does not want to be a princess and to be able to read about one that is so generous and giving is wonderful! My daughter loves this book! Here is what she had to say........
Ashes Thoughts
(age 5)
Rose is a princess who got a gift from her Dad. She gave away her neat stuff to the strangers so they could be happy again. The strangers needed her stuff more than she did. It was nice of her to give it away. She is a very nice princess. I would like to be like her. I would not be mean. I would always be nice. I can be like her and help others too!
Buy It!
You may visit HERE to purchase The Rose Princess by Mike de Vetter

I did receive a product for the purpose of this review, However my opinion was used in this review and was not influenced in any way! All thoughts are my own and may vary from others.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Missionary

The Missionary, by William Carmichael and David Lambert is about an American couple who are missionaries in Venezuela.  It is touching to read about the couple caring for the unloved and unwanted children in the streets of Caracas, while raising their own son.  

They live in a small house in Hope Village, where the children are housed, nursed back to health, and go to school.  The husband, David, feels hopeless, as if he is just a drop in the bucket, as he rescues a few children while he has to watch many more stay alone, homeless, and suffering.  Christie, herself an orphan with a tragic past, lives for each child they see in the moment.  She feels that the world is saved for that child, right now.  

David, in his frustration and zeal to help Hope Village, gets "accidentally-on-purpose" involved in a coup trying to remove an unjust dictator who is living it up while the masses suffer.  He didn't know that there was going to be an attempted murder, and that people would be maimed, tortured, and killed along the way.  I'm not sure how one can think you can plan a government overthrow without killing anyone or posing any danger to themselves or their family- but that is David's story, and he is sticking to it!  LOL.  
But really, he did seem to believe it.  This non-missionary woman who is feeling a little jaded at the moment just doesn't quite understand HOW a grown man can really believe that- but, then, neither could his wife, so I guess it isn't just me, haha. 

As the title suggests, The Missionary is Christian literature, and there are many mentions and references to God, Christianity, prayer, church, and religion.  While the plot and storyline are somewhat far fetched, it was a "feel good" book that had a mostly-happy ending for the main characters.   (Note- there was some violent aspects, I say "feel good" because of all the people in the book that were doing good, and that it ended on an upbeat.)  
It is fast paced, and you do want to keep reading to see what happens next. 

You can purchase The Missionary from Deep River Books or on their website.  Make sure to Like Deep River Books on Facebook and Follow them on Twitterto keep up with all their latest news  :) 
David and his wife Christie rescue impoverished children in the slums of Venezuela. But for David, that's not enough. The supply of homeless children is endless because of the corrupt policies of the Venezuelan government. 

In a rare moment of anger, David lashes out publicly against the government, unaware of the chain reaction that will soon follow. 

When the CIA offers David a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play a key role in a "bloodless" coup, he decides to go for it. But little by little, he falls into an unimaginable web of deceit that ends in a desperate, life-or-death gamble to flee the country with his wife and son, with all the resources of a corrupt dictatorship at their heels.

Book Review: The Missionary

I love books.  I always have.
I can read an entire book in a day if it's a good one.
My favorite genre is Christian fiction, so when I had the opportunity to review The Missionary by William Carmichael and David Lambert I was super excited!
The Missionary
Below is the synopsis from the  book's website:

David and his wife Christie rescue impoverished children in the slums of Venezuela. But for David, that's not enough. The supply of homeless children is endless because of the corrupt policies of the Venezuelan government.
In a rare moment of anger, David lashes out publicly against the government, unaware of the chain reaction that will soon follow. 
When the CIA offers David a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play a key role in a "bloodless" coup, he decides to go for it. But little by little, he falls into an unimaginable web of deceit that ends in a desperate, life-or-death gamble to flee the country with his wife and son, with all the resources of a corrupt dictatorship at their heels.

So I started reading this book while sitting at an indoor playground with my kiddos--we were there for two hours before I made myself put the book away and take them home!  It will catch your interest in the first chapter and you won't want to put it down!
I am more of a drama, romance-type but I do enjoy a good action/suspense every once in a while.  This book is definitely more of a suspense novel but has just enough romance between husband and wife to satisfy the romantic side! 
I do have to say that I found it a bit difficult to follow some of the characters at first (the "bad guys") but deeper into the book I had no trouble at all.  I won't go into detail about what happens in the book (I'm not a fan of spoilers!), but I will tell you that as you follow David through this book you will be on the edge of your seat!

The Missionary is a book that anyone who likes suspense novels will enjoy.  It's nice to have a good, "clean" book to read and I can't wait for my husband to pick it up!

Thanks to Bring It On Communications for sending me The Missionary to review!  Be sure to visit their site as well as the website for Deep River Books, which was founded by co-author William Carmichael. 

You can purchase The Missionary at a number of bookstores, but my favorite place to find it is Soles 4 Souls--it's $5 right now, and for each one purchased a pair of shoes will be donated to a child in need!!

*This is a MamaBuzz review. The product was provided by: Bring It On Communications for this review.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


review done by Jenilee

 I have been looking at two other books from Bring It On! Communications.

The first one is Soul Truth by Wendy Pilla-Delcourt. The back of the book says, "Family life, work, activities, and social pressures consume each day. With the rapid increase in the pace of our lives, our inner desires and passions are often distracted. It is easy to forget that there is more to life than mere responsibility and performance. Sharing the very stories that have shaped her life, Wendy Pilla-Delcourt encourages you to share your life in a new way and to celebrate the gift you are to this world. The ageless, child-like spirit in all of us can capture the realms of possibility to live out the meaningful life that burns inside our very souls. With all of us called to one glorious hope for the future, we must remember that innate curiosity, that passion to pioneer the world, and the fearlessness to take a chance on something we believe in."

This book goes perfectly with what I'm teaching in our ladies Sunday School class right now from the bookSoul Print by Mark Batterson. I love how Wendy brings the thought of allowing God to use past experiences to shape and guide our future to life by telling us her own personal stories and how they have impacted her into adulthood. I really enjoyed reading her input and then asking myself the questions she gave at the end of each chapter.

The second book that I read  was Godly Personalities by Roger Deemer. 

This book is about finding our personality tendencies and why that is important. The description of this book says, "Personalities provides hope in facing common temptations, avoiding deception, patiently persevering through life's challenges, and living in peace with all people. Understanding personalities is a key to living a godly life!"

Although I got confused sometimes at where I really fell in these many personality profiles, I did enjoy reading about the differences and seeing the realities of why I do the things I do! I would like to read this one again and focus more on discovering my personality type according to this study.

So, that is a little bit about what I've been reading... what have YOU been reading lately?