Christian Book Reviews hosteb by Bring It On! communications

April 9, 2013—Hello bloggers, reviewers, and book lovers!

We know-this site is looking a little rusty. We had to set aside our book reviews for several months in 2012, but we are back and hoping that you will join us!

In the weeks to come, many new reviews will be rolling in and when they do, we will be posting them to our new site which is nearly ready to launch. You can visit us at

So....out with the with the new! Thank you for being a fan of books! We love what you have to say!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"This book is definitely thought-provoking"

Fountains of the Deep: The Creation Story & Mainstream Science, by Stephen L. Ross

Review by Jan at Jewelry 4 Change

ISBN-10: 1935265334
ISBN-13: 978-1935265337

Publisher: Deep River Books (September 1, 2010)
Paperback, 270 pages
List Price: $14.99 US
Science and the Biblical Creation Story conflict, right?  That's what many believe, but Steven L. Ross explains how the findings of mainstream science and archaeology actually parallel the Creation Story.  

Using scripture from the King James Version of the Bible, Strong's Concordance with Hebrew Lexicon, and the Transliterated Pronounceable Bible, Ross takes us step by step, verse by verse, through the creation story in this fascinating study.  Ross proposes that religious tradition and the simplified flannel board Bible stories we heard as children may seem to conflict with science, but a more literal reading of the Bible's Hebrew language is, in fact, in agreement with science. 

Given the nature of this subject, it's not surprising that Fountains of the Deep is written on an academic level, and is not a book you'll want to read to put you to sleep at night. It requires your focus and dedication... and, believe me, you'll need a highlighter too. 
Even though Ross has studied and researched this material for forty years, he urges the reader not to consider this the 'end all' to the debate, but rather to use his writing as a springboard for our own research. 

Whether you agree with Ross' explanations or not, this book is definitely thought-provoking, and worth reading. I'm loaning my copy to a friend, and when it's returned I plan to re-read it. It's the type of book which will prompt new thoughts and questions each time it's read. 

To read more reviews like this one, go to

Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from Bring It On Communications to help facilitate the writing of a frank and honest review. A positive review was not guaranteed, and no monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.

"Her words may be just what (families living with autism) need to get them through the difficult times."

Lonely Girl, Gracious God by Lauri Khodabandehloo
Review by Heidi at It's Just Me Heidi-D

Arielle sent me Lonely Girl, Gracious God - a lovely little non-fiction book, written by an inspirational woman named Lauri Khodabandehloo (say that three times fast)...
The story outlines the struggle of a mother (Lauri) whose youngest daughter (Farema) is born with autism during an era when little was understood about the disability. Lauri writes about the struggles she faced dealing with not only raising (and diagnosing) an autistic daughter and the guilt and doubts she felt - but also raising her three older daughters and supporting her husband in a blossoming restaurant business. In the book, Lauri talks in detail about how navigating through life led her closer and closer to God during a time in which many mothers might have lost their faith.

I thoroughly enjoyed this read. Lauri paints a picture of her beautiful daughter trapped within herself and their journey as a family to help Farema find her voice. As a reader you experience the desperation that Lauri must have felt as a mother advocating for her child's future, as well as her own!

My only criticism of this book is that there are no pictures of Farema. In a non-fiction read I always like to have an actual face to go along with the character. It makes my connection to them feel much more real. That said, I did visit the book's website - on which you can view photos and a video of some of the events described in the book.

Over all, I was pleased with this read. There are a number of people that I would recommend it to, most specifically the families that I know who live with autism. So much of what Lauri wrote about is illustrated in the stories that I hear from those families, and her words may be just what they need to get them through some of the difficult times - while giving them somebody to rejoice with during the good times!

Thank you to Bring It On! Communications for this opportunity!

To read more reviews like this one, go to Tell Us The Truth Reviews!

** I don't feel like I should have to say this, but I was advised to point out that I have not been compensated for this review. It is an honest opinion based on my experiences with Bring It On!, Tell Us The Truth Reviews, their employees as well as their products and authors.**


*Since the initial contact from Bring It On!, Arielle has been replaced by Kit Tosello. They have been wonderful to work with and I would highly recommend it!*

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

K. Dawn Byrd, Author: Register to win a copy of Jayne Pearson Faulkner's "The Place of Belonging"

K. Dawn Byrd, Author: Register to win a copy of Jayne Pearson Faulkner's "The Place of Belonging"

 Read a great blog interview with Jayne Pearson Faulkner, author of The Place of Belonging at K. Dawn Byrd's blog.  Gotta love this book!

K. Dawn Byrd, Author: Register to win a copy of Sam Batterman's "Maximal Reserve"

K. Dawn Byrd, Author: Register to win a copy of Sam Batterman's "Maximal Reserve"

 Learn more about Sam Batterman (author of Maximal Reserve and Wayback) at his blog interview posted today by K. Dawn Byrd.  AND, enter for a chance to win your own copy!  GRIPPING.  FASCINATING. RELEVENT. 

"This self-help devotional, diet plan book is a keeper."

Fit for My King by Sheri Rose Shepherd 

Review by Abi at 4 the Love of Books

Are you battling the diet War?  You can break free from the "food issue" and "Barbie bondage" and Win Diet Wars.  Fit for My King was written with you in mind.  You find...
  • the root cause of why you battle body image
  • discover keys to break free from food control
  • nourish your soul and renew your mind while learning to care for your body
  • There are 30 daily Princess devotions, Prayers and Treasure Truths along with "Love Letters" sprinkled throughout.
  • Tips on ways to detox your body
  • Bonus feature of recipes and best diet secrets.
This self-help devotional, diet plan book is a keeper.  The 30-day book shares the heart of the author as no other book I've seen.
Each day for 30 days you'll read a
  • devotional
  • prayer
  • action plan
  • treasure truth
The author shares from her personal road of being a food addict with an eating disorder.  You be given a new reason to care for your body, mind and spirit. 

Visit the book's site here
Find more information about this book here.

A copy of this book was provided by BIO communications in exchange for my honest review.

Friday, August 26, 2011

“God used an unexpected event to change her faith from skeptical to unwavering.”

Cut In Half, by Ana Le Roux
Review by Sarah at Treasures of Faith
"If miracles were given to those who deserve them, they would simply not exist" ~ Ana Le Roux

I love reading stories about faith! I am always amazed and encouraged at how powerful our God really is.
I recently had the opportunity to read "Cut in Half" by Ana Le Roux who "wanted to tell the world that miracle's happen everyday to everyone", and her story did not disappoint!

After only a few weeks of her second child's birth, Ana and her family were in a terrible head on collision. Her husband and both her 3 year old daughter and 1 month old son walked away without a scratch, but that was not the case for Ana. She was in the back seat wearing a lap seat belt and the impact of the accident literally "cut her in half".

Ana shares the dramatic events that happened as she discovered not only a God that heals, but a God that performs miracles! "23 miracles" in fact is how Ana titles her book. The miracle's range from an experienced nurse driving in the car behind her who was able to give her immediate assistance, to the miracle of God's perfect timing of her writing the book where "God's gift to me was closure." God even changed her perspective of the accident from horror to now being one of her greatest memories.

My Thoughts:
I instantly fell in love with Ana as I was reading her story. I felt her pain, I felt her grief, I felt her joy! Her story captivated me from the moment I picked it up. Ana does not claim to be the perfect Christian or to have had perfect faith through her trials. In fact some of her chapters must have been very hard to write about, where she talks about depression and suicidal thoughts. But that is part of what is intriguing about her. She was just an ordinary wife and mom who had an ordinary faith in Christ, until God used an unexpected event to change her faith from skeptical to unwavering! I think we can all relate to her story.

She learned that: "merely asking is not enough. You need to believe that what you have asked for will happen ... You need to be spiritually convinced that something will happen, even if it seems unlikely in the spiritual realm."
"I have sorely underestimated (the power of prayer) most of my life."
"A conscious decision has to be made every morning that you will get through the day no matter what."

If you are looking for inspiration that God can do miracles in impossible situations then "Cut In Half" is the book for you! It would also make a wonderful gift to someone recovering from an accident or illness. There are so many wonderful lessons that Ana shares as God began to increase her faith that your faith will increase also as you read her book!

You can purchase a copy of "Cut In Half" at

*I received a copy of this book to review from Bring It On Communications, but I was not financially compensated in any way. The opinions expressed are my own and are based on my observations while reading this novel.*

“An incredible story of survival and surrender!”

Cut in Half; How God Mended Me With 23 Miracles
Review by Dalia at Inspirations By D
Cut In Half: How God Mended Me with 23 Miracles

  • Paperback: 160 pages

  • Publisher: Deep River Books (May 1, 2010)

  • Language: English

  • ISBN-10: 1935265113

  • ISBN-13: 978-1935265115 I enjoy a good read once in a while especially if it’s about a real experience, a life lesson and if it's a Christian based story.  I have received the book “Cut in Half”, by Ana Le Roux the perfect description of the above to review from Bring It On Communications.
    Do you believe that miracles happen everyday?  This is a story of an average 30 something woman who after three weeks of giving birth to her second child is struck by tragedy -a violent head on collision.  The force of the impact thrust her forward with such intensity that it literally cut her in half!
    Ana Le Roux would tell you that she was set to die that day, but instead, after seemingly endless dialogue with God, she relinquished her freedom of choice to Him.  Cut in Half tells how in that instant Ana opened her eyes and began to experience the most amazing gift of healing.
    In her awe inspiring testament of God’s love, Ana proves that miracles are not just an archaic phenomenon found in scripture; they happen every day in a variety of ways.
    About the author:
    Image of Ana le Roux
    Ana Le Roux is not your average housewife.  With a titanium plate embedded in her back and a limp to her walk, she takes every step of life with humility, gratitude and optimism.  Ana’s fate was sealed when in a tragic moment; she instinctively and selflessly sacrificed her life in an attempt to save the lives of her children that changed her life forever.
    My personal Review:
    What an incredible story of survival and surrender, allowing the miraculous power of God to work in her life and in her body!
    Each chapter chronicles a portion of her journey and the miracles that took place.  Roux’s explains that at the end of each chapter there are sections and she indicates what each section entails, so that the reader can have a better understanding of her story.
    The first part of every chapter is about retelling her story.  The second section is called “food for thought”, and it’s designed to help you reflect on the preceding story.  The third is the “Soul Searching” section.  She thought was necessary to include.  It reflects on your own life to see all the wonderful things that God has done for you.  Reading this book you will find quotes from scripture, mostly seen in the beginning of her chapters.
    Once I opened the book I could not put I down, it was captivating and visual.  It was as if a friend was telling me what had happened to her and the details of her story kept leading me to the next moment.
    I like how she shares that miracles are not limited to strangers or “special” people, but they are a reality in our lives everyday.  She also desires to dispel myths that we come to believe; Phrases, words or clichés that we use everyday that diminish God’s participation in everything we do, words such as luck, coincidence, destiny, being in the right place at the right time.
    You take away from this story a sense of hope, gratefulness, and believing that miracles do happen everyday, big or small.
    It is a touching story that will make you view life differently.  
    *I received a copy of this book for free, in exchange for my honest review.
    For more reviews on books like these go to Tell Us the Truth Reviews.
  • Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    "Adorable, inside and out...this is just what young readers need!"

    Smoothie Rock-A-Teller By: Dr. Gerald Mittmann,  

    Illustrated by: Gregory Cannone
    Review by Joy of This Little Book of Mine

    • Reading level: Ages 4-8
    • Hardcover: 60 pages
    • Publisher: Fish Pond Kids (September 1, 2011)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 1935265784
    • ISBN-13: 978-1935265788

    My Review
    This is a unique way to teach children the story of David and a whopper of a giant named Goliath! A little rock named Smoothie who lives in a creek wants God to have a purpose for him. As he lays in his creek, he hears the whopper Goliath saying bad things about God and it sounds like maybe a fight will start because of what he hears on each side of his creek. Then David comes along looking for just the right rock to to a job God has for him and suddenly Smoothie realizes the purpose God has for both Smoothie and David.

    This is an adorable book inside and out! At first I thought it was kind of ‘busy’ inside, but as I read and looked at the illustrations, I realized that this is just what young readers need! Since it is several chapters, it would be a wonderful Bible study for Ages 4 thru 8. The book is well laid out and I love the colors and awesome illustrations. The pictures make the story a lot of fun, and give readers a better understanding of what they are reading.

    Run out and buy a copy of this great book for your child’s library!

    I rec’d this book from the publisher through Bring It On Communications to read and review. I was not required or expected to write a positive review. The opinions in this review are mine alone.

    Purchase at Amazon

    About the Author and Illustrator:
    Rock-A-Teller author Gerald Mittmann has worked with children in ministry since 1978, organizing and directing children’s Bible camps, Sunday children’s sermons, Awana clubs, and speaking at mid-week elementary Christian school chapels.  He graduated from Talbot Theological Seminary in 1986 with a Master of Divinity degree in Bible exposition, and then went on to receive his Doctor of Ministry degree from Talbot/Biola University in 2005.  He has been a pastor to families and children in three evangelical churches, and has led several biblical drama teams to the mission fields of Mexico, Honduras, and Africa’s Congo (DRC) to act out biblical plays which he wrote.

    "Join the Uncle and his family as you read this wondrous Christmas Story this year."

    Uncle Eben’s Christmas… Stephen Alan Slater
    Review by Joy at This Little Book of Mine

    • Paperback: 112 pages
    • Publisher: Deep River Books (October 1, 2010)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 1935265385
    • ISBN-13: 978-1935265382
    • Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.4 x 0.4 inches
    Book Blurb:
    Eben Johnson, the owner of a home-improvement store forbids his employees to say “Merry Christmas,” and winds up in a “Christmas Carol” experience, where he faces some sobering realities in a dream–or is it a dream?

    Taking a journey into the past, present, and future, Eben gets a more relevant experience than that of the Dickens’ story–one that asks an eternal question that we should all ask ourselves…  Are we individually ready for that which is
    “beyond” the grave?

    Uncle Eben’s Christmas looks at the state of an unbeliever who profits from Christmas, yet gives none of the glory to God. It’s a story of one man who is surrounded by Christians who he finds as poor, deluded, misguided individuals, yet is in his own bleak state about to get the wake-up call of a lifetime!

    My Review

    Uncle Eben’s  Christmas is a wonderful book telling stories of Christmas. As owner of a home improvements story, Eben's main goal in life is making money and Christmas is a wonderful time to do this. Not being a Christian, he doesn’t let his employees say “Merry Christmas” to the customers, they have to say Happy Holidays to them instead. Earlier in his life, he had made a decision not to follow Christ and he wanted nothing to do with God, he didn’t go to church and didn’t want anything to do with church either.

    He does however go to the Christmas program at church during Christmas to see his niece and nephew in the program. Finally one day an angel speaks to Uncle Eben, giving him insight of his life in a long ago time in a small church when his decision was made about the Lord. As the angel was still speaking to him, he let him see what his life would be like without the Lord. This changes Eben’s life and the life of his home improvement business.

    Join the Uncle and his family as you read this wondrous Christmas Story this year.

    I want to thank Arielle Roper at “Bring It On” communications and Deep River Book for providing a copy of this book to read and review. I was not expected to write a positive review. The opinions in this review are mine only.

    Purchase this book at Amazon

    Sunday, August 21, 2011

    "Want to be inspired? Read this book or give it as a gift to someone you know who is planning to start their nursing career."

    Caring Lessons: A Nursing Professor’s Journey of Faith and Self

    Review by Tiffany at Fabulous Finds

    Title: Caring Lessons: A Nursing Professor’s Journey of Faith and Self
    Author: Lois Hoitenga Roelofs 
    ISBN-13: 9781935265375
    Publisher: Deep River Books
    Publishing Date: October 1, 2010
    Paperback: 224 pages
    Price: 13.99

    In Caring Lessons, Lois Roelofs tells her stories about being a rebellious minister’s daughter, reluctant nurse, restless mom, perpetual student, and eventually, fun-loving teacher. She used to tell her students that if she, an ordinary suburban sandbox mom, propelled by restlessness and prayer, could end up having a career, growing in faith, and getting a PhD, they could too.

    Roelofs brings the “therapeutic use of self” required in nursing to her writing. You will be amused, saddened, and inspired as you read this intimate and introspective memoir. You may even run to enroll or teach in a nursing program, and, if you’re already teaching nursing students, you may discover renewed gratitude for the privilege.

    My Thoughts: This beautifully written and touching memoir details Lois’s long journey through nursing school, becoming a wife, mother and eventually a fun-loving teacher. Lois is now a Professor Emerita of Nursing at Trinity Christian College in Chicago. Getting to where she is today wasn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination. In Caring Lessons Lois does an amazing job detailing her one on one experiences with patients, teachers and the important people in her life. Lois never lost touch with her faith and it was her faith that help get her through the hard times. It’s not often easy to juggle a career, family and being a wife, Lois made that very clear in her book but it is possible.

    Want to be inspired??? Read this book or give it as a gift to someone you know who is planning to start their nursing career. I plan to give this book to my mom to read now that I am done with it. I know she will appreciate reading Caring Lessons as she is a nurse too. I helped my mom go through nursing school, and all while raising three children on her own. I took on the role of parent while she dove head-first into her schooling. I really admire all women in the nursing field and I have a lot of appreciation for just how difficult it can be.
    • Check out other great book reviews at Tell Us The Truth Reviews.
    • I received a copy of this book for free to review. I was not monetarily compensated in any way. The opinions expressed are my own and based on my experience with this book.

    Saturday, August 20, 2011

    "After reading this book, I am in awe of the work that this couple has done to better the lives of others"

    “The Son in My Eyes” Book Review

    Review by Judy at What I Live For

    Mai Spencer grew up witnessing the horrors of the Vietnam War first hand as she struggled to avoid the Viet Cong, gather enough food for her family and care for all of the younger children in her family. She knew nothing but extreme poverty until she moved away from home and eventually met Dennis, an American who fell in love with her and brought Mai and her daughter to America where they became a family.

    Though Mai had grown up Buddhist, she found little comfort after the deaths of her son as a teenager and of her daughter just a few years later. Eventually, Mai and Dennis were led to Christianity where they changed their lives and through great sacrifice have sought to bring Christianity to her people in Vietnam.

    As soon as I started reading this book, I honestly struggled with how extremely religious and “preachy” it felt. I chose to read The Son in My Eyes because of the opportunity to learn about Vietnam and the culture there, knowing before-hand that it would be somewhat religious because it talks about Mai’s conversion to Christianity. It was just too religious for me and I ended up skipping sections that frustrated me in this manner.

    All of that aside, the stories that Mai tells of her years growing up were fascinating and horrifying. It is incredible that Mai and Dennis, through their great faith and diligence, were able to build a Christian church in a country that was so opposed to anything of the sort as well as help so many Vietnamese people who were struggling financially. After reading this book, I am in awe of the work that this couple has done to better the lives of others and appreciate the opportunity to read their story.

    The Son in My Eyes is written by Mai Spencer and is published by Deep River Books, ISBN 978-1935265665. For more information visit

    This book was provided to me by Bring It On Communications for free in exchange for my open and honest review. All opinions stated herein are mine. To read more reviews like this one, go to Tell Us The Truth Reviews!

    Friday, August 19, 2011

    "The kind of inspiration that is relevant to us all: how to find God's grace as we stumble through this life"

    Lonely Girl, Gracious God
    Review by Kimberly at Drinkin From My Saucer 

    As most of you know, I love to get free things.  :)  A few weeks ago, I was offered Lonely Girl, Gracious God by Lauri Khodabandehloo to review.  Though I was reluctant to start reading another book this summer... the crooked cover kept beckoning me to open it up.  ((The old adage: Don't judge a book by it's cover kept coming to mind.))  Finally, I opened it up!  Immediately, Lauri's honesty cut to my core.  I couldn't put it down!  Every feeling is shared.  Every thought captured.  She has opened up her heart and revealed the innards of a mother who struggled to find God's promise. This book is an inspiration.  Not all in it turns out as sunshine and rainbows kind of inspiration, but the kind of inspiration that is relevant to us all: how to find God's grace as we stumble through this life.  I can wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who wants a look into a beautiful example of God's unending grace.

    About the Author: After raising three children on her own, Lauri found that God heard her prayers, and He answered them in His timing and in His way with the birth of Lauri’s fourth child Farema. Before Farema, Lauri didn’t really understand that there were disabled people.  But today, Lauri lives a life full of compassion for other people.  Today, she ‘sees’ people she never saw before...she sees the hurting people on the streets, or the drug addict, she sees those who need help.  She now is keenly aware of people with disabilities, autism, and the developmentally challenged, and she has a deep desire to help those that are just learning for themselves that their child has a disability. In Lonely Girl Gracious God, Lauri tells how she came to fully trust God in ALL things, and how her life was changed because of God’s gift of patience given to her, wrapped as a beautiful daughter named Farema.
    About the book: It didn’t take long to learn that Farema was not like the other girls.  And, later, in finding her daughter was autistic, Lauri found she had no other choice but to be patient.  Without her newfound patience given to her by God, Lauri would not have been able to win the battle.  You see, you can not win a battle with a child with autism-they cannot deviate-they do not know anything different. 

    From the moment of her birth, Farema was not like her sisters. She didn't respond normally to sounds or the touch of a hand. She was different. Embrace this mother's deeply personal account of tragedies and triumphs, along with joys and sorrows of raising a child with the devastating disability of autism. 

    When lives have been turned upside down and we have nothing left to cling to, God offers amazing grace to find encouragement and authentic hope in the face of overwhelming confusion and grief.

    I received a free review copy of "Lonely Girl, Gracious God" in exchange for my honest review. 

    You can purchase the book: Amazon  Barnes and Noble  Christian Book 

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    "Maximal Reserve has all the ingredients: conspiracy, drama, suspense, crooked politicians, and even a little romance."

    Book Review: Maximal Reserve 

    Review by Bonnie at Grandma Bonnie's Closet


    If you enjoy books with a christian base then you are sure to enjoy Maximal Reserve. I was given the chance to review the book Maximal Reserve by Bring It On! Communications. I do enjoy fiction and thrillers so I was happy to have the chance to read and review this book.

    The story is about Philip Channing, a brilliant geophysicist/computer science guy. Philip is hired by Axcess Energy Company to work on a top secrete project. The story takes Philip over the Atlantic in a helicopter hopping from oil rig to oil rig and finally landing on a research ship in the Atlantic ocean. This is where Philip will look deep into the oceans depths farther than most have ever seen. The story takes its reader on a wild ride of espionage and terrorism.

    My View: Maximal Reserve has all the ingredients of a great  fictional book conspiracy, drama, suspense, death, crooked politicians, and even a little romance. I like to see the character in a story portrayed with average human abilities. Now, what I mean by this is the character should be human like and not be able to leap over tall buildings, read minds or have x-ray vision. Although Philip is portrayed as having a brilliant mind his character was believable. He had to fight like any real person might have to under such circumstances.

    I would recommend this book to my friends to read with a warning that the book has many technical details and explanations that might be a little distracting to some readers. Over all I give the Writer a 10 out of 10 for such a great story.

    Author: Sam Batterman
    ISBN: -10: 1-935265-52-0
    Publisher: Deep River Books
    Date published: 2011
    Price: $14.99

    "To read more reviews like this one, 
    go to Tell Us The Truth Reviews!"

    *I received a free copy of this book for review from Bring It On! Communications. There was no monetary exchange & the above opinions are solely my own.*

    Wednesday, August 17, 2011

    "I...found a lot of practical ways to help turn my insecurities into a wonderful new life that I can live for God."

    Sand to Pearls

    Review by Brenda at Brenda's Handmade

    I'm a book reviewer for Bring It On Communications, and the latest book I was sent to review was, Sand to Pearls, written by Heidi McLaughlin. Heidi is a teacher, mentor, and a great inspiration to women. The book was published by Deep River Books in 2011.

    Sand to Pearls is a great book about "making bold choices to enrich your life." It's about how our insecurities can hold us back from the wonderful future that God has planned for us. The book has 13 Chapters and each chapter covers a different topic that women often get stuck in. These topics are obligations, sabotaging ourselves, friendships, resentment, blended families, buyer's remorse, comparing ourselves to others, fears, regrets, shame, panic, and careers. The author shares personal stories and examples in each chapter and how to move past the area you're stuck in. She also quotes from other books, which give wonderful encouraging, inspiring words to help you move forward in your life. Every chapter has a section about how to make choices that enrich your life that are very practical and helpful. Also, every chapter ends with a section entitled, "Stop and Ask God To Help You Change Sand to Pearls." Each "s" is a scripture, "t" is thanksgiving, "o" is observation, and "p" is prayer.

    I really enjoyed this book and  found a lot of practical ways to help turn my insecurities into a wonderful new life that I can live for God. One of my favorite things I learned was in Chapter 6 " Broken or Blended." Although, I've been married to my one and only husband for 16 years, I still found something great in this chapter. It talks about how your husband can't meet all of your emotional and spiritual needs, that God is the one to look to in order to meet all the empty places in our hearts. This really spoke to me - and I think reminding myself to turn to God will take a lot of pressure off my husband and make our marriage happier. Another thing I liked was in Chapter 12 "Panic or Prayer." It suggests to say a prayer to God, thinking of words that describe him using every letter of the alphabet. What a great challenge!
    I was furnished this book for free in exchange for my honest review.

    If you want to read this book yourself, the ISBN numbers are: ISBN-10 1-935265-43-1, ISBN-13 978-1-935265-43-6. You can find it at on sale for $2.53! What a great price! You can also contact Heidi McLaughlin on her web page.

    Tuesday, August 16, 2011

    "I ended up wanting to take my time and soak and savor the messages God was speaking to me through Mai’s writings."

    The Son In My Eyes: Seeing the Light Of Jesus In Vietnam
    Review by Andie of Ours + His + Mine = Nine

    Mai Spencer with Dixie Phillips
    Deep River Books

    The Son in My Eyes is first and foremost a beautifully inspirational testimony of Mai Spencer’s life. I was captivated from the start by her recollections of her childhood growing up as a young Buddhist girl in Vietnam. My heart was spoken to and encouraged as the author wove the memories of her rather dramatic life into the pages of this book; stories of her poverty and struggle to provide for extended family, surviving Agent Orange exposure, the loss of children and more all unfold between its covers, yet even the tragedies can’t keep her from sharing peace, hope and the promises of God.

    I loved the way scripture is fluidly included. I started out with the intention of reading this book from cover to cover in just a day or two. Instead, I ended up wanting to take my time and soak and savor the messages God was speaking to me through Mai’s writings. This book brought a sort of reawakening to my heart of the passion I once had for missions. I would be happy to read more from this author as the book truly touched me. I believe this book is a good example of “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Coming from someone who grew up reading fiction and humor, especially science fiction or westerns this would not have been the first book I pulled from the shelf due to its peaceful, quiet beauty. Even so, The Son in My Eyes did not disappoint.

    I think the back cover sums it up well when it calls this book “an amazing testimony of tragedy and loss…[which] speaks to the broken-hearted and brings hope to the hopeless...”

    I recommend this book be added to your nightstand, or at least your wish list. I pray it touches your heart and leaves an impression just as it has my own.
    "The Son in My Eyes" is available through and Deep River Books.

    I received a complementary copy of this book to read for the review from Bring It On! Communications. All opinions are completely my own.

    Sunday, August 14, 2011

    "A story that sweeps you right up and keeps you turning the pages as fast as you can...Highly Recommended."

    Book Review: Maximal Reserve

    Review by Beckie at By the Book
    Petroleum engineer Phil Channing has only been employed a week when he uncovers the largest oil reserve in history. Using the research of a recently murdered friend, Phil discovers the secret to drilling for it lies in lava tubes under the Dead Sea. But will this knowledge throw off the world’s balance of power? 
    Sam Batterman grew up in the 1980′s with a pocketful of quarters to play video games in one hand and a stack of computer magazines in the other. He holds a Computer Science degree from Bob Jones University and works as a Software Engineer in Southeastern Pennsylvania with his wonderful wife, Susan, and his two kids, Samantha and Parker. He teaches Computer Programming at a Christian school and enjoys seeing kids get excited about the technology he loves so much. Sam’s first novel, Wayback, has become the best seller for Deep River Books. Sam and his wife serve at Valley Forge Baptist Temple in Collegeville, PA.

    My Impressions:
    Sam Batterman had me with the first chapter of his newest book, Maximal Reserve.  The action starts with a life or death chase scene and really doesn’t let up until the end of the story.   Phil Channing is a recent Masters graduate looking for the perfect job to combine his years of research with his goal to make a difference in the world.  Joining the research team at Axcess Energy is a dream come true — a dream that quickly becomes a nightmare.  Faced with killers determined to stop the research findings — the world’s largest petroleum source — from being made public, Phil and his fiancee, Lisa must be smarter and quicker than their assailants.  The stakes are high — the economic balance of the world, and there are enough shady characters, corrupt politicians and professional assasins to make the most dedicated fan of action and suspense keep reading.

    I love a story that sweeps you right up and keeps you turning the pages as fast as you can.  Maximal Reserve is that kind of story.  I even liked all of the scientific theories that were put forth in the book as background.  Now, I am definitely not a scientific person (I graduated from college without any math and only 2 semesters of science), but Sam Batterman made this part of the book fascinating and easily understood.

    So if you want a fast-paced suspense novel with enough questions to get you thinking about what our government, corporations, and scientists are really up to, pick up a copy of Maximal Reserve.

    Highly Recommended.
    (I received a copy of Maximal Reserve from Bring It On! Communications in return for an honest review.  The opinions expressed are mine alone.)

    "This book is a must-have for every family. Your child will have a better understanding of David and Goliath after reading this book."

    Review by Tiffany at Fabulous Finds

    Title: Smoothie Rock-A-Teller: On The Whopper Stopper
    Author: Dr. Gerald Mittmann
    ISBN: 1935265784
    Publisher: VMI Publishers
    Illustration by: Gregory Cannone
    Release Date: September 1, 2011

    Smoothie Rock-A-Teller: On the Whopper Stopper is the first book in a series of nine where rocks retell biblical stories from their point of view. In this book the rock’s name is Smoothie and he retells the story of David and Goliath. My soon to be 4-year-old was immediately enamored with the beautiful, colorful illustration that were used throughout this book. The author of this book came up with really fun ways to refer to different characters in the book. For example people are referred to as talking-walk-abouts and fish are referred to as wiggle-movers. My daughter really liked that but sometimes I would have to remind her I was referring to people and fish.

    I think this book is a must have for every family. Your child will have a better understanding of David and Goliath after reading this book. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the books in this series. The Rock-A-Teller Family know how to tell a good story. This book definitely gets my seal of approval.
    This book is rather long, 52 pages broken into 5 chapters. Each night I would read a chapter to my little girl and when we reached the end of each chapter we would go over the questions for review and say the little prayer as well. I really like this book, it’s throws a new twist on old Bible favorites. I plan to take this book and donate it to my daughter’s Christian school. I know a lot of children will really enjoy this book.

    You can purchase this book from Amazon or the Deep River Bookstore for 13.99$
    “To read more reviews like this one, go to Tell Us The Truth Reviews!”
    I was sent a copy of his book for free for review. I was not monetarily compensated to give a positive review. Thanks to Bring it On Communications for the free book.

    Thursday, August 4, 2011

    "I was captivated by the way the author wove this mystery around Disney facts and trivia"

    Review by Kat at Reviews From the Heart

    Who hasn't heard of Walt Disney, Disneyland, The Magic Kingdom or anything related to Disney in general?

    Some of us have grown up with Disney in some form or another for most of our lives and know what dreams can do for those of us willing to dare to live them.

    Farren Rales is one of the chief Imagineers working for the Magic Kingdom and when he calls Grayson Hawkes, a pastor of Celebration Community Church and asks him to meet him at the Gamble House. The Gamble House is a piece of property that is now part of the National Historical Society and is the inspiration come to life of Snow White's cottage from Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

    It's late at night for a secret meeting with Farren and Hawkes as they wander around the inside of the cottage learning about Disney's fascination for details within a story. He leaves Hawkes with a gift, an old key that he claims is the Key to the Kingdom. When he looks up to inquire more about what the key means, Farren has vanished into the dark of night.

    As Hawkes leaves the cottage, he learns that he is not the only one in the park at night. Running for his car, he barely manages to escape with his life. When Farren fails to show up for work, his secretary grows worried and returns Hawkes calls since he was the last person to see him. Not knowing what to do or where Farren is, he gets worried and believes that the clues to what is happening lie within the Magic Kingdom and what exactly that key will unlock.

    Now Hawkes finds himself in a Disney-like National Treasure scavenger hunt, unlocking riddles that lead him to more clues within the Animal Kingdom, The Disney Resort, and Epcot Center with a stuffed Pal Mickey that becomes activated with hidden sensors located throughout the park guiding him to the next clue.

    What he will ultimately discover is the Disney Magic may be more real than we have been led to believe and perhaps there is a whole lot more reality mixed in then we know.

    I received the mystery novel, The Key to the Kingdom by Jeff Dixon, compliments of Bring It On Communication for my honest review. Being a huge Disney fan since I was a child, my child-like wonder has never left and I was captivated by the way the author wove this mystery around Disney facts and trivia that most of us walk by in our day to day visits of the park and never give it a second thought. Do tunnels really exist below the park? Is Walt Disney really sealed in a cryogenic cylinder waiting for a cure for cancer? Is there really a Snow White Cottage in Port Orange, Florida and inspired Disney to create Disneyland?

    Who knows until you read this book and decide for yourself is this really fiction or perhaps a Disney magic way of covering up the secrets of the park! I give this book a 5 out of 5 stars and now it has a place of permanence in my personal library because the kid in me, still believes in magic!

    For more information about this book, the author or where to purchase your copy of this book, click on the links below:

    The Key To The Kingdom by Jeff Dixon

    You can also find out more secrets on Facebook by clicking here.