Christian Book Reviews hosteb by Bring It On! communications

April 9, 2013—Hello bloggers, reviewers, and book lovers!

We know-this site is looking a little rusty. We had to set aside our book reviews for several months in 2012, but we are back and hoping that you will join us!

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"We want our lives to leave a lasting legacy...This book helps you find your way. 5 out of 5 stars."

Selah: Your Moment to Stop, Think, and Step Into Your Future

  • Paperback: 221 pages
  • Publisher: Revell (August 2004)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0800759575
  • ISBN-13: 978-0800759575
Editor's Note: While this title is not a Deep River Books imprint, it was written  by DRB Co-Publisher, Nancie Carmichael.

    Selah. Just what does it mean? Depending on which version of the Bible you find, you are likely to see it a variety of ways and interpreted several ways. I find that the definition of Selah is a pause. It means to stop and think about what you just heard. Others say its a musical notation or interlude. Still others find its similar to the Hebrew word Calah, meaning to weight, to measure, to evaluate. Wherever you find it in the Bible, it seems the word is a boundary, a marker. A place to stop and observe, to be still. But regardless of what we cal lit, we need Selah in our lives - no matter where we are in our journey.

    Selah helps us remember who we are; it's a place to be still, to know God. It's a place where we can deal with choices and changes. In these pauses, we're reminded that we have a certain number of days, and we can ask ourselves, Do I want to spend the rest of my life doing what I'm doing? In these places, we see things we need to add or to let go. But we need these pauses in the presence of God to examine our priorities - to pursue what matters most.

    In the book, Selah by Nancie Carmichael, she helps the reader map out the next steps toward a more meaningful life - touching others, making positive changes, and leaving the legacy of a life well spent. She invites you to come alongside as she examines the lives of people who took defining steps to make a greater difference. Their wisdom can help you live with greater joy and a sense of anticipation. It's never too late to make your life count, no matter how old you are!

    I received this book compliments of Bring It On Communication for my honest review and think we all need a book like this one. It's never too late to take account of what you are doing in your life, where you are at and just what would you like to accomplish before you die. We want our lives to leave a lasting legacy and to make a difference in the lives we touch. This book helps you find your way, using biblical references from women in the Bible, such as the woman at the well! This one spoke volumes to me and offered me a different perspective that I needed in my life at 47, and for that reason I rate this one a 5 out of 5 stars.

    For more information on this book, the author and where to pick up a copy of this book, please click on the link below:

    Selah by Nancie Carmichael

    Tuesday, November 8, 2011

    "The story is full of details that make it come alive for the reader...I laughed and cried with the family involved."

    The Place of Belonging
    By Jayne Pearson Faulkner
    • Paperback: 192 pages
    • Publisher: Carmichael Publishing (Jan 2011)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 1935265458
    • ISBN-13: 978-1935265450

    Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong? Maybe as a child?
    So many factors can make this worse as a child. Moving, entering into a step-family situation, being labeled as “different” by your peers…

    These are just some of the issues that Jayne Pearson Faulkner writes about in her memoir, The Place of BelongingJanie (Jayne)  grew up in Montana in the 1940′s. She was the daughter of an unwed mother, marking her as an outcast from the start.

    The heartwarming story takes you back to life in the 1940′s and reads almost like a diary, written by Jayne (Janie) as a child growing up. From the time Janie’s mother marries and leaves Janie with her grandmother (except for on weekends), to the point where Janie goes to live on the farm, the story is full of details that make it come alive for the reader. And throughout it, I had points I laughed and cried with the family involved.

    So, who would I recommend it to?
    Any girl,13 and up, can relate to Janie. And since Janie is not the only one who doesn’t feel like she belongs (through the course of the book it is evident that her mother wants very much to fit in too), I’d have to say it is a good and quick read for just about any teen girl or woman.

    You can find your copy at a number of locations, including Amazon for just under $11.00, and at Deep River Books.

    Looking for a great mystery? Read my review of The Key to the Kingdom, by Jeff Dixon.

    **I received a free copy of this book from Bring It On! Communications for review purposes.   I was not monetarily compensated in any way for this review.   All opinions are my own.

    Saturday, November 5, 2011

    "Tea Cup Art and Reflections would make a lovely gift for friends who enjoy art, tea, or photography. I simply couldn't put it down until I'd read it cover to cover."

    Teacup Art...and Reflections
    Reviewed by Jan at Jewelry 4 Change

    By Joyce Wilkins
    ISBN: 1935265814
    ISBN-13: 9781935265818
    Publisher: Deep River Books (Nov 2011) 
    Hardcover, 222 pgs
    List Price: $16.99 US

    TeaCup Art... and Reflections is what I would call a 'coffee table book.' The stunning photography of teacups arranged in artistic scenes, printed on high quality paper is something I would leave out to look at over and over again, rather than hide on my bookshelf. 

    When the book arrived in the mail I opened the package and began to thumb through it, thinking I'd pick it up later for a thorough read.  That didn't happen... I simply couldn't put it down until I'd read it cover to cover.
    Ms. Wilkins has made each of the very unique teacups come to life by placing them in appropriate settings and including a brief story of each cup.  I was fascinated by the cups from other countries and the explanation of their symbols and designs. 
     Some of the pages include humorous stories about how the author acquired the cup. Teacups make me think of quiet afternoons spent with friends. Tea Cup Art and Reflections would make a lovely gift for friends who enjoy art, tea, or photography.  It would also be a nice addition to any waiting room. 

    Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from Bring It On Communications to help facilitate the writing of a frank and honest review. A positive review was not guaranteed, and no monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.