Christian Book Reviews hosteb by Bring It On! communications

April 9, 2013—Hello bloggers, reviewers, and book lovers!

We know-this site is looking a little rusty. We had to set aside our book reviews for several months in 2012, but we are back and hoping that you will join us!

In the weeks to come, many new reviews will be rolling in and when they do, we will be posting them to our new site which is nearly ready to launch. You can visit us at

So....out with the with the new! Thank you for being a fan of books! We love what you have to say!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Disrupting Grace - A Book Review

Sadly, isolated families are running out of hope, battling pain, experiencing grief and the loss of a dream. Author Kristen Richburg shares the loss of hers, and tells how God brought her through the brokeness, and made her whole.
About this book:

We watched and waited for Emma to show some sign or indication that the transition was stressful for her in some way. After all, her entire world had just been turned upside down. She was surrounded by new sights and sounds, and not a single face or voice was familiar to her. We kept hearing our social worker’s words in our heads, reminding us to be prepared for uncontrollable grief, sickness, or rage.
But Emma did not display and of these characteristics-rather the opposite. She was too happy, slept easily, and never cried. All of these things might sound like she was making a nice transition, but with our background knowledge regarding issues of attachment and the information we had received from our therapist before our trip, we had a good inclination that something wasn’t right. She showed little or no sign of being affected by anything. She had a glazed-over look about her, masked by a frozen smile. There was no eye contact, no expressed grief, no sign of fear.
We soon learned that Emma did not want our hugs, our love, or our affection. She didn’t want anything to do with us at all. She scratched us, screamed and tried to hurt herself. Until this time, the people Emma should have been able to trust had let her down. They hurt her. They rejected her. They let her down. She had learned from her foster family that parents were not to be trusted.
And now, we were left to pick up the pieces.
My thoughts:
I think all too often this is what adoptive parents experiene. You would think that a child who needs a home would easily transition to a happy and loving home life, but many times they feel abandoned by their birth parents, anger and rage, and can be very unhappy. This book shows what sometimes happens in adoptive situations.
For more information, visit this site:

disclaimer: sample copy received for review

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