Maximal Reserve, by Sam Batterman, is an intriguing thriller, combining science, current events, Biblical end-day prophesy, and pure adventure. It follows the journey of Phil Channing as he begins working for oil giant, Axcess Energy. Phil's ambition and knowledge as a petroleum engineer makes him uniquely qualified for a specific job Axcess wants: find oil. What Phil isn't prepared for is the crazy adventure he finds himself on as he discovers the world's largest oil reserve ever just one week into his new job. Soon, Phil finds himself running for his life as he is hunted down by terrorists, determined to keep the discovery secret. When his fiance is put in jeopardy, Phil will do anything to save her, even putting his own life on the line.
Maximal Reserve is a great book. It was obviously well researched, something that always makes a story more believable and intriguing. And while science and technical subjects were detailed, I never felt "lost" in following the plotline either as can happen with some books. The book presents some interesting theories, including the Abiogenic Theory, which is the idea that "petroleum is abundant and a function of deep-earth processes." Sam Batterman is a great author, who is clearly passionate about his work. I liked what Sam wrote in the end "Reference" section: "Defaulting to either side of the argument in an extreme fashion seems to break the laws God has given us. Worshiping the creation instead of the Creator does not allow us dominion over the ecosystem He has given us, and on the other side of the spectrum, reckless use of resources destroys our ability to exploit them for the advances of civilization."I really enjoyed Maximal Reserve. I read the first half of the book over 3 or 4 nights, but then finished the second half in one night because the suspense was too great to put it down! That says a lot because I am usually very good about shutting my book at a reasonable hour because I do need my sleep. But not with this book! And it was definitely worth staying up too.I highly recommend this book and I plan on looking up Sam Batterman's other book "Wayside" as well. Check out Maximal Reserve today - you'll be in for a great adventure when you do! Maximal Reserve can be purchased at
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