Christian Book Reviews hosteb by Bring It On! communications

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Friday, January 21, 2011

The Log Family Review

by Mel 

My toddler is actually not a toddler anymore, as he’s jumped into that preschooler stage now. As of right now, he is not potty trained yet, but it’s something that we should probably start working on. I just haven’t been in any hurry with him, and frankly, neither has he. I figure when the time is right, we’ll move forward. I have, however, tried to start introducing him to the concept. First of all, he already knows what to do, and he’s actually gone before, but he just hasn’t shown interest in going all the time. So, I’ve been starting to read a few potty training books to him, fun books that we get at the library.
A few weeks ago, we were introduced to The Log Family by Trent Lenderink and Tammy Trent, illustrated by John Jordan. This book is full of vibrant, colorful pictures that kids enjoy; even Jaden likes leafing through the pages. The story is about two little boys, whose uncle is teaching them about the Log Family. The Log Family is no ordinary family. They live inside your belly, but when they’re ready to come out, they make all kinds of noises and move around in your tummy. They like to swim in a “special swimming pool,” the toilet. (Yeah, it’s kinda gross.) Actually, this book really did gross me out, but of course, my boys think it’s hilarious. The more disgusting, the better, it seems.
The authors write as if they are telling a story to children, so it’s down on the kids’ level of understanding for sure. Sometimes it seemed as if there was a lot of detail, but for kids to understand about the potty, they really do need those details. They need to know what it feels like to have to go to the potty; the toilet being described as a giant waterslide for The Log Family is so what kids would think; I remember, as a kid, wondering what it must be like to ride through the pipes, however gross that may be.
While this book may be a bit gross to adults, it certainly does produce a lot of giggles in the littles; I found myself wanting to laugh out loud when I read it for the first time, wondering how I would be able to keep from laughing when reading it to my kids. You can purchaseThe Log Family for $11.99 from Tammy Trent. Be sure to Like Tammy Trent on Facebook and follow @tammytrent on Twitter. The back of the book does contain potty training tips which are wonderful tips for first time parents, but if you’ve potty trained before, you’ve probably seen or read quite a few of them.
(Disclosure: I received a copy of this book, free of charge, from Bring It On Communications, for the purposes of this review.)

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